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Saturday, 15 December 2018

JUST IN: AE_FUNAI SUG Director of Socials Announces 2018/2019 Fresher's Night.

Office Of The Director Of Socials{chris_hornz}

The SUG Director of Socials, Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo, Ebonyi State, Comr. Okafor Christian Chiemelie{chris_hornz}, today announced the readiness of  the social
directorate in organizing the annual Freshers event, Freshers Night.
      He did this after an interview between and one of the press men in the school community.

he said, "The ASUU strike has truncated most of our plans of setting up social activities in the school community. Majority of our programs didn't hold because students has vacated the campus. If not for this ASUU strike, the flyers for our forth coming event {Fresher's Night} should have been on and as well the banners raised around the campus and beyond. But not withstanding the strike action and its negative outcome to the school community, we have to start the publicity of the event {\fresher's night} so that as soon as the school resumes next year after ASUU strike must have been called off, the online publicity, sale of forms and the first stage of the pageantry contest must have been done effectively. We will just set up the venue for the  fresher's night that will incorporate the grande finale of the contest. I guess with this measure of preparation{s}, we will be able to execute the event effectively."
    The Director of socials also, in his words , told the freshmen to anticipate the event cos it will be super-entertaining, he also told the general school community to anticipate the Fresher's night.
 "Its going to be a blast, both the freshmen and the returning students will feel the vibe of the show! and to the Freshmen intending to contest for the pageantry{Mr & Miss Fresher}, the form for the contest will be out soonest, and I will advice you to pick the form as soon as it drops, because the contest starts as soon as one gets the form.....the earlier the better"
     So far, the Directorate of socials has been the most functional directorate in the SUG, AE_FUNAI and has promised to continue doing its best to see that the social life of the students is always considered.


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