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Wednesday, 8 November 2017

CALL FOR APPLICATION: Apply for British Army Recruitment for Commonwealth Countries, 2018

CALL FOR APPLICATION!!! Apply for British Army Recruitment for Commonwealth Countries, 2018 Apply Now

The Benefits of Belonging in the British Army

A sense of belonging may sound like a small thing. Yet it fuels you as much as food and water, because it doesn’t just feed your body, it feeds your mind and soul.

The stronger the sense of belonging – the stronger you become.
Sure, you could look for belonging in a football team or club, but the sense of belonging you’ll find in the Army – well, that’s the next level.
When you’ve trained together side by side, learnt things no classroom can teach you and fought with each other, for each other – that creates a bond like no other. A bond that lasts a lifetime.
Belonging sees you through whatever life – on or off the battlefield – may throw at you.
This is belonging.
A career with us offers you challenge and adventure that you simply can’t find in any other job. Add in competitive pay and plenty of travel – in fact you’ll be surprised at just how good the benefits are: Earn over £18,488 after training, 38 days paid leave, subsidized food and accommodation, free gym and sports facilities, free dental and medical care, free pension, qualifications, apprenticeships and world class training. You may also qualify for a bursary or extra allowances.
We need lots of different skills and, like all teams, we work by placing people in the roles where they can make best use of their skills.
  • Combat
  • Engineering
  • HR, Finance and Support
  • Intelligence, Communication and IT
  • Medical
  • Logistics and Support


  • The University Composition Fee at the appropriate rate*
  • A maintenance allowance for a single student (£14,900 for 12 months at the 2017-18 rate; pro rata for courses shorter than 12 months)
  • One economy single airfare at both the beginning and end of the course
  • Inbound visa costs & the cost of the Immigration Health Surcharge
About the Academy Funding
  • Academic development funding – from £500 to £2,000, dependent on the length of your course, to attend conferences and courses.
  • Family allowance – up to £10,120 for a first child and up to £4,320 for a second child (2016-17 rate). No funding is provided for a partner.
  • Fieldwork – you may apply to keep up to your normal maintenance allowance while on fieldwork as part of your Job.
  • Hardship funding – for unforeseen difficulties
  • Maternity/Paternity funding – should you require it, you may apply to intermittent your studies for up to 6 months and continue to receive your maintenance allowance during this time.


  • All Applicants must be of or members of the Commonwealth Countries.
  • Applying to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study:
  • Must be of age in line from 18-47 years
  • All Applicants must be Physically and Mentally fit
Eligible Regions: Open for all Commonwealth Countries.


If you meet eligibility standards, you’ll be invited to spend two days at an Assessment Centre. Here, you’ll do physical and mental tests to judge your fitness and soldier potential and have a medical examination. If you pass, you’ll be offered a job in the Army.
Before your employment offer is confirmed, you also need to have a pre-employment check. This involves filling out security forms and your doctor will need to send information about your medical background.
Your starting date will depend on your grade during assessment and the number of places the Army has on offer in your chosen trade.
Make sure you discuss your result with your Candidate Support Manager as they will be able to explain the next steps.


Your Army career begins with phase 1 training where you learn basic soldier skills. You then learn the specialist skills of your trade in Phase 2.
Where you do your phase 1 training depends on your age and job choice.
Junior Soldiers (under 17 yr 5 mths) spend 20-week or 40-weeks at AFC Harrogate. If you are older, you will spend 14-weeks at either Pirbright or Winchester. Infantry recruits complete a combined phase 1 and 2 courses in Catterick.
After completing phase 1 and phase 2 training, you will join your unit where senior soldiers will provide support and ongoing professional development.
Undergraduate Applicants:
  • Attach a copy of your WAEC “O” Level results (from WAEC website), if applicable or available.
  • Request a complete a letter of recommendation form from your School authority, attesting to your character, talent and skills. Please do not include a basic testimonial that does not talk about you as an individual, if available.
  • Send a scanned copy of your transcript from JS1 to SS3 including your mock and first term results, if possible or available.
Graduate Applicants:
  • Attach a copy of your Final year results and degree results (if available)
  • Provide the details of a lecturer, professor, or Head of Department (HOD) that we can contact to find out more about you.
  • Send a scanned copy of your transcripts that shows your GPA

How old do I need to be to join the Regular Army?

To join as a regular soldier you need to be at least 16 years old, although you can start the application process earlier, with your parents’ permission. If you’re under 18, you’ll also need parental consent to join. You should be in Army phase 1 training before your 33rd birthday.
To apply to become a regular officer you need to be between 18 – 28 years and 11 months, although you can apply for sixth form and university sponsorship before you reach this age.  If you’re over 30, you may be considered on a case by case basis, if you can get sponsorship from a regiment or corps during the application process. Higher age limits for professional or specialist applicants may apply.
If you’re going from serving soldier to officer, you can attend AOSB up to the age of 29 provided that you arrive at RMAS before your 30th Birthday. Your career profile and realistic potential as a Deferred Entry officer must be carefully considered. It is vital to compare your prospects in the ranks and as a Late Entry Officer, against your long term prospects as a DE officer.
DEADLINE: November 20th, 2017.
Everybody joining the Army has to meet some basic entry requirements. These cover a range of areas. Whether you serve full time as a Regular or in your spare time as a Reservist.
If you’ve have any questions that are not answered here, please call one of our advisors on 0345 600 8080.
How to Apply British Army Recruitment
Read the application instructions and complete the online applications. Applicants must submit the application form and all required documents stated on the webpage.

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