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Thursday, 16 February 2017


                                Federal University, Ndufu-Alike Ikwo

         The  Faculty of Engineering Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo(FUNAI), yesterday,14th of February,adopted a new policy for its students,the policy which states that for any student to remain in the faculty or to be in 200 level, the student must have a minimum CGPA of 2.0 in his/her 100 level,also that the student must pass all courses in mathematics,chemistry and physics.

         This new policy, if implemented will affect close to a hundred students of the faculty. Echris' reporters interviewed few students in the school,and some staffs of the faculty to get more details.
         The H.O.D,Civil Engneering said "The policy is too harsh not only to the students but aslo to any ear that hears it. A student can't repeat a whole year just because of failing one practical course."
         The H.O.D, Mechanical/Mechatronics Engineering,during his interview, said "These students were not informed early before these policies is being brought up,implementing it now is too late,because it is assumed that they are punished of what they know nothing about."
          The Dean of Students Affairs,in his words said "This issue of the minimum CGPA has been a policy in the faculty,so nothing can be done on that side,but as for that of carryover,it is not done anywhere,you can't tell a student to leave the faculty just because he/she failed just one course.this whole thing is the faculty of Engineering's fault and they should fix it themselves,not using the students to cover their mess."
    After hearing from few of the Staffs,our correspondents consulted the students to hear their own part of the story.
        Echris': "Hello sir,you must be a student here."
        Student: "Yes"
         Echris': "from what we are seeing here,you are not really happy, how are you affected?"
         Student: "The faculty did not tell us on time that a policy like this exists. As the pioneer students of the faculty, we were admited late so we resumed classes late,that was 3 months after the main list(2015/2016) was released and we just started were we met the classes. Some these courses that they are mandating us to pass,kicked off few weeks before the main exam,so how do they expect us to pass them? are we Sofwares or Robots?  Fine,since they do not want us to remain in the faculty or proceed to 200 level,why didn't the inform us on time so that we can know our stand earlier? now,after attending classes as 200 level students and taking our mid-semester exams,they are now tellin us this trash.
if this policy is to be implemented,100s of us will be affected."
         After hearing from the student, the Echris' reporters consulted the best student in the faculty as of their 100level to hear what he has to say on the issue,just to find out that he was affected too.
    Echris': "Hello.we heard that you are affected by this new policy despite your CGPA, how come?"
    Bryan: "The truth is that i don't know and have not seen where such is done.My CGPA in 100 level was so high and good.I don't see any reason to drop from the faculty or repeat 100 level  just because
of phy108,A 1 credit unit course. This is never done. My G.P as of Ist semester was 5.0,then dropped to 4.8 in the second semester because of the phy108 that was recorded "F"."
    Some of these  affected students said that most of the courses recorded as "F"(fail) were untrue and when they tried applying for remarking,were told to pay a sum of TEN THOUSAND NAIRA.
     As of now, the students are still waiting for a response from their staffs and the Dean of Students Affairs,since they promised to get back to them.

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