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Monday 7 November 2016

Clinton or Trump: Who Gets The Big Job?

                    Clinton or Trump: who gets the big job?

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton made last ditch efforts yesterday to win votes ahead of today’s United States Presidential election.
Americans go to the polls to elect the President. No fewer than 43 million people have already cast their ballot in the early voting.
Yesterday, Trump, the Republican nominee, began his day in the Southeast, stopping in Florida and North Carolina, then heading north to Pennsylvania and joining his running mate, Mike Pence, for two events in New Hampshire and Michigan.
By the end of the day, Trump had held five events in five states in 12 hours.
Democratic candidate Clinton started her trip in Pittsburgh, then stopped in Michigan before returning to Pennsylvania. The Democratic nominee brought out the big guns by having President Barack  Obama campaigning for her in Philadelphia.
Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi performed at Clinton’s event, described as “closing argument.” She ended her night with a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina.
The former secretary of state is seeking to capitalise on Sunday’s news that the FBI’s latest review of Clinton-related emails did not result in evidence that would change its recommendation that no charges be filed against her.
Besides the event with Clinton in Philadelphia, Obama was in Michigan and New Hampshire..
Trump’s path to victory isn’t clear and isn’t set, but the Republican presidential nominee and his team had been working to ensure he had multiple pathways to reach the 270 electoral votes needed to win.
One route he has been working toward includes states such as Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan. Of the three, Michigan was the most recent to vote Republican, but that was back in 1988.
Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said on winning one of those states would be a tipping point for Trump to achieve victory.
“It would be one of those upper Midwest states -like a Michigan or Wisconsin, Minnesota — and/or one of those Rocky Mountain states. So we’ve had our eye for awhile on bringing back these states that have voted Republican in the nonpresidential years and where the poll numbers have been tightening and where we’ve at least been able to be semi-competitive on the air and on the ground with the Clinton campaign,” she said.
Two key states not mentioned by Conway -Florida and Pennsylvania – are going to be factors as well.
The Sunshine State is something of a golden ticket for each of the presidential candidates in that winning Florida’s 29 Electoral College votes makes the other’s path to victory more difficult.
In Trump’s case, if Clinton wins Florida, he could still get to 270 electoral votes by winning in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. But if he were to lose both Florida and Pennsylvania, he would have to win Nevada, Iowa and Colorado to make up for it. That all has to happen with Trump holding on to North Carolina and Georgia – which GOP nominee Mitt Romney won in 2012 – while also taking Ohio.
But a lot of variables are at play in these possible routes: Nevada is expected to go blue, as is Colorado, and close races are expected in New Hampshire, North Carolina, and the perpetual swing state of Ohio.
On Tuesday, millions of women will vote for the first woman to run as the nominee of a major political party.
The race has tightened over the last 10-14 days. That tightening is reflected in new CNN “Road to 270” map.
The latest snapshot of the Electoral College map heading into the final days is a little more favourable to Trump, but Clinton still holds a clear advantage.
This is not a prediction of where the map will end up on Tuesday night when the votes are counted, it is simply a snapshot heading into the homestretch.
Solid Republican:
Alabama (9), Alaska (3), Arkansas (6), Idaho (4), Indiana (11), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Montana (3), Nebraska (4), North Dakota (3), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (9), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11), Texas (38), West Virginia (5), Wyoming (3) (157 total)
Leans Republican:
Georgia (16), Iowa (6), Maine 2nd Congressional District (1), Ohio (18), Utah (6) (47 total)
Battleground states:
Arizona (11), Florida (29), Nevada (6), Nebraska 2nd Congressional District (1), New Hampshire (4), North Carolina (15), (66 total)
Leans Democratic:
Colorado (9), Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20), Virginia (13), Wisconsin (10), (68 total)
Solid Democratic:
California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), DC (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Maine (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New Jersey (14), New York (29), Oregon (7), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (12), Minnesota (10), New Mexico (5) (200 total

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